Courses and

A career at sea is perhaps one of the most rewarding careers not only with respect to emoluments & earning capacity but also way of practical education of an individual through travel and meeting various people from various parts of the globe.


This 4 year degree courses duly approved by Director general of Shipping, Govt. of India & approved by A.I.C. T.E. The Academy imparts comprehensive training in Marine Engineering and shipboard practice. It comprises of academics and ship familiarization along with marine Workshop training (as per IMO modules) done at Academy. After completion of the Course at the Academy the candidate undergoes the four basic STCW courses. The candidate is exempted from class IV part A COC & obtains it on the basis of Academy passing out / degree certificated. After this he goes for his Class IV Part B' written & oral examination. Duration : 4 years Eligibility : 10+2 with minimum 60% aggregate marks in PCM from recognized Boards / Universities. Minimum 50% marks in English at 10+2 or 10th level Age : Not exceeding 25 years as on the date of commencement of training programe.

Diploma in Nautical Science leading to Bsc in Nautical Science.

TEligibility 12th Pass with PCM 55 % Marks Duration : 12 Months Age : Not exceeding 25 years as on the date of commencement of training programe A Deck Cadet after successful completion of the course, joins vessel as a Deck Cadet or Trainee Navigating Officer. After completion of Deck Apprentice period of 36 months (24 months with Distance Learning Programme) becomes eligible to appear for the Examination of 2nd Mates, conducted by Mercantile Marine Department, under D.G. Shipping, Govt of India. After obtaining Certificate of Competency for 2nd Mate, one becomes a full-fledged Navigating Officer. Gradually he can attain the highest position on board i.e. Master by clearing respective departmental examinations from time to time. In their Pre-sea Training Course they are trained in subjects like Navigation, Meteorology, Spherical Trigonometry, Chart Work, Bridge Equipment and Watch-keeping, Cargo Handling & Stowage, Ship Operation, Naval Architecture, Safety & Care of Persons, Ship Stability, Practical Seamanship, Boat Work, Ship Visits & Basic Computer Training.


GRADUATE MARINE ENGINEERING (GME) - 1 YEAR The one year Presea Training course for Graduates (GME) is a course leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, awarded by the ministry of shipping Government of India, after six months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Naval ships anywhere in the world. This course is strictly residential. Eligibility : Candidate should have B.E. / B.Tech., in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture with minimum 50% marks in final year. The candidate should have obtained at least 50 % in English at 10th or 12th std, or degree course. Age Limit : Maximum 28 years of age as on 1st of March or 1st of September.


Eligibility : Applicants should possess Diploma in Mechanical / Marine / Naval Architecture / Electrical / Electricl and Electronics Engineering with minimum of 50% in English at 10th or 12th std, or degree course . Age Limit: Maximum 28 years of age as on 1st of March or 1st of September.

Pre-Sea Training Course for G.P. Rating

Eligibility : 10th Pass with 40% with 40 marks in English Aige 17 1/2 to 25 years Duration : 6 Months General purpose ratings are trained in Deck Maintenance including Navigational jobs as well as the maintenance of Engine room machinery and other associated technical jobs. They are trained on the subjects like English & Etiquette, Mathematics & Physics, Health Hazards & Personal Safety, Ships & Shipping Industry, use of Life Saving Appliances & Fire Fighting Appliances, Safe Working Practices on Deck & in Engine Room, First Aid, Nautical Terms, Navigation & watch-keeping, Ship's Maintenance, Signalling, Ship visits with separate Marine Engineering syllabi at the support level like Machinery in Engine-Room, Watch keeping duties in Engine-Room and Basic Environmental Protection. They even have the opportunity of becoming full-fledged Navigating Officers subject to fulfillment of D.G. Shipping guidelines. *As per new DGS directive the training period for the Four basic mandatory modular Courses for G.P. Rating has been increased by 100%.

Certificate Course in Marine Catering

Eligibility :10th Pass with 40% with 40 marks in English Aige 17 1/2 to 25 years Duration : 6 Months A Saloon Rating after successful completion of pre-sea course, joins vessel as General Steward or Trainee/2nd Cook and subsequently become Chief Cook/Chief Steward who is the in-charge of Catering Department. He takes care of Ships fooding, provision stores, general hygiene and house keeping. The Chief Cook is usually one of the most pampered and loved person on board. A few years of experience allows them to serve as specialist cook for different cuisines in Cruise Liners or join Star Hotels at shore. Pre-sea Saloon Rating course will cover common syllabi for the Ratings like, English (Nautical Terms), Etiquette, Mathematics, Physics, Health Hazards & Personal safety, Ships & Shipping Industries, Use of Life Saving & Fire Fighting Appliances, Safe Working Practices, First Aid, Navigation, Ships Maintenance, Signaling & Ship Visit. They also undertake exclusive training programme in subjects like Food Production, House keeping, Hygiene & Front Desk Service.